2024 was a chore!
From the arrival of our R-litter in May to the very end of the year, 2024 demanded MORE! Never before have we struggled to place our puppies as much as the R-litter. Reason why?? The CDC and their ridiculous rule about American’s not allowed to import puppies until they are 6 months old. This rule literally ruined the year for us.
Going Forward!
We had initially decided to take a complete break from breeding in 2025, but as of this moment, we will consider a Fall 2025 litter. We know who we want to breed, and the male is reserved, but we will NOT announce the combination until later this spring when the spring heats are over. This will allow us to judge when a litter might be expected.
New Rules for applying for puppies.
Ever since losing our first litter at birth on March 21, 2001 we did NOT take deposits until we had puppies to sell. After this past litter, we are changing that. Too many people have been keen for the litter, and then at such time puppies have become available, there are all kinds of excuses. So from now on, if you want a puppy, have been screened and approved for a puppy, including references, then we will accept a deposit for our next litter. You can view our Puppy Deposit Agreement. This agreement is subject to change before it’s completed and signed.
2025 Litter Plans
As mentioned above, we do have a plan IF we have enough interest in CANADA to justify bringing a litter of pups into this world. There have been rumours of the CDC backing away from the six month age requirement, but as of now, they are just rumours.
Keeping a litter of puppies, or even part of a litter until they’re six months old is a monumental chore! After a certain age (our breed anyway) the puppies begin to fight for domination in the litter. This means they can no longer be contained in the same physical space. We are a small breeding kennel, we only have six runs. At one point in November, we were juggling TEN dogs, four of them under the age of six months!
Not only do the pups get into scraps, but they get injured and cost more money to keep. None of them get proper house training, socializing, or even the all important bonding with their new families. It’s something we never want to experience again. So this is the reason we need CANADIAN buyers to support our proud Canadian Working Line Giant Schnauzer kennel. Without secured homes at 8-weeks old, we can not continue to breed. It’s just not fair to anyone.